
Referral Program

Spread the Word

Introduce friends and colleagues to our design and web development services.


Earn Rewards

Enjoy enticing rewards for every successful referral, from service discounts to exclusive perks.


Track Referrals

We'll keep tabs on their engagement after learning about us through you.

Share Success

Climb program tiers as referrals increase. Your achievements inspire others to be a part of our journey. Let's thrive together!

Let's Start

Get in touch with our team to start your journey today!


  • When registering for the Program, you must use the same email address that is registered with Orthoplex.

How It Works

  • To join the program, simply fill the form available on Orthoplex’s website and follow the on-screen instructions to start referring.
  • You can refer to us as many Friends as you wish.
  • We will send an email message to your referred contact, on your behalf. This message will introduce Orthoplex to these contacts.
  • If we have a past or current business relationship with the contacts you’ve provided, we will notify you of the nature of the relationship within seven (7) business weeks of the introduction. 
  • Unless we have notified you of a past or present relationship with this contact, we agree to consider the initial business earned with that contact within the subsequent calendar year (365 days) following the introduction to have been the result of your referral, therefore subject to the terms below.

Referral Fee

  • Orthoplex agrees to pay a “Referral fee” for the first business resulting from an introduction as defined above. 
  • If a Friend uses your reference and closes a deal of a value between $1,500 and $20,000, we will pay you a referral fee of $100.
  • If a Friend uses your reference and closes a deal of a value more than $20,000, we will pay you a referral fee of $500.
  • Referral fees shall be invoiced to Orthoplex at NET60, upon agreement between the Parties.

Managing the Sales Process

  • Once an introduction is accepted, Parties agree to work together in good faith to facilitate the sale process.
  • Upon request by Orthoplex, you may attend one meeting between Orthoplex and your contact for the purpose of assisting in the development of a business relationship between them. Otherwise, you are under no further obligation to facilitate the sale, nor are we obligated to involve you in the sales process.

Liability Release

  • Regardless of the form of action or theory of recovery, in no event shall a party be liable to the other party in connection with this agreement, or any breach or nonperformance by the other party for any damages and/or losses.

Privacy and Confidentiality

  • All personal information will be collected, processed, and used in accordance with Orthoplex’s Privacy Policy.
  • Parties may disclose confidential information between each other within the terms specified by these present terms. Both parties agree not to disclose or share confidential information with any third party except by mutual agreement in writing.


  • The failure by either party to exercise any right, power, or privilege under these present terms will not be construed as a waiver of any subsequent or further exercise of that right, power or privilege or the exercise of any other right, power, or privilege.
  • We reserve the right to modify or amend at any time these present terms and the methods through which the referral fee is earned. We reserve the right to disqualify any User at any time from participation in the Program if they do not comply with any of these Terms. Orthoplex’s failure to enforce any term of these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of that provision.

Applicable Law

  • This agreement is governed by the laws of Ontario, Canada.
  • All notices required to be given in writing shall be delivered by email, and shall be effective upon receipt, provided that the sender shall have the duty of demonstrating receipt.
  • Any waiver of a party’s right or remedy related to this agreement must be in writing, signed by that party to be effective and no waiver shall be implied from a failure of either party to exercise a right or remedy.
  • The provisions of this agreement relating to payment terms and limitation of liability shall remain in full force and effect after termination of this agreement.